Swimming pool fees


Some background information

In order to do reserve a slot for Sonna N.S, the parents association block book the swimming pool at a cost of €180 per session. This is an increase of €50 per session on previous years.

We hope to keep the cost at €30 for 1 child, €50 for 2 and €70 for 3 for six swimming lessons. This is only possible if we can keep the numbers at 40 pupils+. If not, the cost will have to increase by approximately €5 per child per 6 sessions*.

These lessons have multiple advantages:

1. They are a great opportunity for the pupils to spend some fun time with their friends and classmates.

2. At a low cost for parents (about €5/child/lesson)

3. Parents are welcome to stay in the visitors area to watch their child/children’s progress.

Please bring cash at the start of each 6-week session as we do not have card payment facilities.

Swimming resumes on Saturday 15th September 2018 at 10am. A calendar will be available with date of lessons.

*Edited in October 2018: as 36 students took part in the swimming lessons during the first term the price will have to be raised to €35 for 1 child, €70 for 2 children and €80 for 3 children.
